Saturday, 2 July 2011

Buffering goes on maximizing the youtube video windows 7

Problem: While watching youtube video if you maximize the screen the buffered video is gone and you are pissed off blaming IE or flash player.

Description : . Dont worry its not a bug or your IE or flash player issue.. Youtube tries to act smart here ending up screwing your video watch. You tube before downloading the video examines your interenet connection if it is slow it starts buffering at a lower resolution. generally at 360p. When you maximinze the video,  in order to give you the same viewing experience it switches to higher resolution to 480p and ends up deleting your previously buffered video to buffere the same video at higher resl.

If you look at the highlighted part at the image you'll see that the 360p is changed to 480p on maximizing...Yes I was watching coke studio.. the music is nice and babes are good.

1.If you are confident about your internet speed you can start off at 480p , then it wont delete the buffer on maximizing.
2. You can permanently set the resolution on your youtube acount settings. But then you'll have to be logged in to watch the video.
3. It works sometime... You can manually set the resloution at the start of buffer. It generally sticks to the resolution even when you maximize. In case you the initial set value is 360p and you want to keep it as 360p still u'll change to to some other value and bring it back to 360p and youtube will take a note of it and wont change it.


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