Tuesday, 20 December 2011

How to uninstall IE 9 in windows 7

IE 9 is a bad web browser for several reasons which I am not going to explain here. But lets see how we can uninstall IE9.

Unlike other browsers IE 9 is not installed as an application but as an update to windows 7. Hence we cannot uninstall it as from program uninstall feature in windows7. Hence follow the following steps.

1.  Goto Control panel -> programs section -> Programs and features section
2. On the left panel  click view installed updates.
3. Check for internet explore 9 entry in the 'Microsoft windows' section. You can arrange the updates by installed dates column to help you out if you have installed recently.
4. Right click on the entry and click uninstall.
5. Do a system restart if required.

Thats it! You are done!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

How to manually download Youtube and other internet videos without using real player or any other tool in Windows7

1. Open the link in internet explorer.

2. Let the video buffer completely.

3. Open the following location by copying the below location and pasting it in the windows explorer bar.

     <your profile user folder >\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5

NOTE: Do not try to manually navigate to this location as it is not visible in the explorer.

4. Look for the file within the folders. Generally these files are large in size and would have a .flv extension.

5. Copy this file to your videos directory and name it suitably.

6. Use VLC media player or any other flv supporting player. But please dont use Real player becoz its a crap software.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

How to free ports in windows 7

1. Open command prompt.
   i in the run section of start menu type cmd and hit enter,  a black window is opened.
2. type the command netstat -ano | find  "8080" and hit enter.

   netstat is a command that shows which ports are active.
  - used to attach the following attributes
     a displays all connections and ports
     n displays ports and adreses in numeric form
     o displays the process id which is using that port
 | used to execute another command over the output of the previous command.
  find is used to search for particular character patterns
"8080" is the pattern which i am searching.
here it means the port number number which I am interested to free ie 8080

3. the result would show you the process which is using that port.
4. Take the PID (process ID, the last numeric thing in the row) of that process.
5. Kill that process from task manager.
  i open task manager.
 ii search for that pid in the process tab.
   if you dont find the pid column
   goto view>select columns> select the pid option.
 iii rt click on that process and end it.

Thats it.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

how to capture console output from Eclipse IDE into a local file

Problem: Every time a program runs the console is filled up and I am not able to see the messages at the top.


Into your Eclipse IDE go to the Run -> Run configurations
Then go to the common tab at the end. Check the File check box at the bottom click on File system select a file to write on.

Apply and then close.

The next time you will have the console out put in eclipse IDE as well as as the file where you saved. Do remember to clean the file every now and then else it will keep on filling up.

Buffering goes on maximizing the youtube video windows 7

Problem: While watching youtube video if you maximize the screen the buffered video is gone and you are pissed off blaming IE or flash player.

Description : . Dont worry its not a bug or your IE or flash player issue.. Youtube tries to act smart here ending up screwing your video watch. You tube before downloading the video examines your interenet connection if it is slow it starts buffering at a lower resolution. generally at 360p. When you maximinze the video,  in order to give you the same viewing experience it switches to higher resolution to 480p and ends up deleting your previously buffered video to buffere the same video at higher resl.

If you look at the highlighted part at the image you'll see that the 360p is changed to 480p on maximizing...Yes I was watching coke studio.. the music is nice and babes are good.

1.If you are confident about your internet speed you can start off at 480p , then it wont delete the buffer on maximizing.
2. You can permanently set the resolution on your youtube acount settings. But then you'll have to be logged in to watch the video.
3. It works sometime... You can manually set the resloution at the start of buffer. It generally sticks to the resolution even when you maximize. In case you the initial set value is 360p and you want to keep it as 360p still u'll change to to some other value and bring it back to 360p and youtube will take a note of it and wont change it.


Thursday, 30 June 2011

Unable to disable 'Enable next generation Java plug-in' in Java Control panel. windows 7

Problem: Unable to disable the functionality 'Enable next generation java plugin  section' in java control panel as it is greyed out.

Solution: Right click on Java control panel by clicking on javapl.exe in the JRE bin folder and click on properties in the bottom.

Go to the compatibility tab. check the ' Run as administraor' check box at the bottom. apply and close.

Thats it..I f this does not work it means you have 2 different Java installed on your system. This would generally happen in case of a 64 bit OS where you would be having 32bit and 64 bit installed on your system. Then go to the other Java and do the same thing.

VDI not working saying 'You do not have permission to change host files'

Problem : VDI or VmWare client is not able to connect says 'You don not have permission to change host files. Talk to your system administrator'. (Or go F yourself)

Platform: Windows 7 , 64 bit.

Reason: This problem occurs when you have a installed java version higher than 6.update 10. running on 64 bit Win 7 OS along with one functionality enabled.that is ' enable next generation' java plugin. This is a bug of Juniper Networks.

Solution:  Navigate to where your Java/JRE (64 bit) is installed and go to the bin folder,  mostly it would be in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin

click on javacpl.exe file and open it.

Java console panel would be opened. Go to the advanced tab, expand the Java Plugin section and uncheck the 'Enable next Generation java Plugin  thing.

If the 'Enable next Generation ..thing is greyed out or disabled follow this link.


Thats it you are done. Login to the VDI again and it would work. If it does'nt restart.

My First Post

Hi .. this is my first post.....hence I should be very excited...(imagine a smiling emoticon here..I am too shy to put it here)...this iblog is all technical ...lets get to business..thanks..